PKA 279

Episode Event Timestamp
PKA 279 Definition of rape 01:04:43
PKA 279 Kyle’s titty grab paintball story 01:08:45
PKA 279 Kyle’s shit talking paintball story 01:11:00
PKA 279 Phil’s The Amazing Race auditions 01:15:15
PKA 279 Conor McGregor retires and the UFC 01:23:42
PKA 279 Georges St-Pierre the baby oil fighter 01:37:40
PKA 279 Fighters playing ping pong 01:41:03
PKA 279 Air Hockey 01:43:25
PKA 279 Pool 01:46:07
PKA 279 Stories of people losing bitcoins 01:49:15
PKA 279 Cheap/slave labor 01:50:04
PKA 279 India is overpopulated and dirty 01:52:00
PKA 279 AMA Question: Move out with friends or buy a car? 01:53:00
PKA 279 Woody has been car shopping 01:59:20
PKA 279 OnStar is great 02:01:35
PKA 279 Kyle’s dad going along with people on the phone 02:03:48
PKA 279 Collection agents calling reused numbers 02:06:45
PKA 279 The new season of Archer (No Spoilers) 02:12:58
PKA 279 When will the next drinking episode be? 02:13:34
PKA 279 Kyle’s vodka sponsor 02:17:04
PKA 279 What Kyle thinks about drinking 02:18:30
PKA 279 Prices of alcohol 02:22:58
PKA 279 Rich People 02:25:15
PKA 279 Nadeshot purchased a COD Team 02:31:21
PKA 279 Woody’s Flamethrower 02:35:30
PKA 279 Will Kyle send Woody his drone live on PKA? 02:37:05
PKA 279 Kyle was almost killed by a car door 02:47:08
PKA 279 Kyle is scared of Acetylene and Thermite 02:49:40
PKA 279 Do you wish your channel was known for something else? 02:54:28
PKA 279 Banned Subreddits: /r/Fatpeoplehate, /r/beatingwomen 02:56:53
PKA 279 What inspired Woody to do daily vlogs 02:58:07
PKA 279 Using Twitter more 03:01:50
PKA 279 Freeze on business licenses going to foreigners 03:07:16
PKA 279 The republicans have fucked North Carolina laws 03:08:00
PKA 279 Politics Talk: Trump v Cruz on delegates 03:11:33
PKA 279 What's your biggest regret in life? 03:21:23
PKA 279 Game of Thrones descriptions 03:25:28
PKA 279 Kyle watched some episodes of the Survival Trip 03:31:12
PKA 279 Rewatching PKA videos and compilations 03:32:24
PKA 279 03:34:20
PKA 279 Chiz’s shoes, Band of Brothers (great) Kyle’s hunting, Muffins 03:34:30
PKA 279 The Blues are 1-3 down 03:50:56
PKA 279 Kyle wants Woody to stream Age of Mythology 03:52:02
PKA 279 Murka’s birthday, Woody’s anniversary with Jackie 03:56:42
PKA 279 Facial hair and puberty 03:58:09
PKA 279 Chicago won 04:06:01
PKA 279 Better Call Saul Season 2 (Mild Spoilers) 04:06:22
PKA 279 Fargo 04:09:40
PKA 279 True Detective (Spoilers) 04:10:26
PKA 279 Game of Thrones villains (Spoilers) 04:13:10
PKA 279 Calling it an episode, Outro 04:16:00