PKA 305

Episode Event Timestamp
PKA 305 Drift0r Met Gary Johnston 01:03:15
PKA 305 Senator Sanders and DNC 01:08:20
PKA 305 President Trump 01:12:30
PKA 305 Merchandising the President 01:15:40
PKA 305 Woody Flew From his Yard 01:26:45
PKA 305 Navy’s New Destroyer 01:35:13
PKA 305 Armrest on Airplane 01:37:30
PKA 305 Crazy Cabs 01:44:45
PKA 305 League of Legends Pro Scene 01:47:40
PKA 305 Popular Games and CIV6 01:53:37
PKA 305 Pokémon Go 01:59:36
PKA 305 Skyrim 02:02:22
PKA 305 Drift0r has to leave 02:06:36
PKA 305 Halloween Costumes 02:08:41
PKA 305 Primitive Technologies 02:13:32
PKA 305 Monkeys 02:20:38
PKA 305 Dinosaurs 02:24:56
PKA 305 Birds and Henrietta’s Murder 02:26:32
PKA 305 PKA Survival Trip #2 02:31:05
PKA 305 Woody planted Grass Seed 02:45:02
PKA 305 Waitress dumped Sam Adams in the Cheese Dip 02:48:15
PKA 305 Woody started a Scene in a Hotel Lobby 02:53:46
PKA 305 Hotel Rooms 03:05:13
PKA 305 Jeremy locked out of his Room in his Underwear 03:10:05
PKA 305 What Games are the Hosts looking forward to? 03:14:23
PKA 305 DayZ 03:22:25
PKA 305 Salesmen 03:39:01
PKA 305 Car Talk 03:44:46
PKA 305 Inexpensive and Abandoned Houses 03:45:40
PKA 305 Mispronouncing Words 03:47:43
PKA 305 Hoarders 03:49:21
PKA 305 Burning and Dumping Trash 04:00:42
PKA 305 FIre Arrows 04:04:06
PKA 305 Kyle wants to kill Pigs with all kinds of Weapons 04:07:00
PKA 305 Woody’s Paramotoring Video 04:10:50
PKA 305 Kyle’s House Defence 04:12:50
PKA 305 Outro 04:23:50