PKA 343

Episode Event Timestamp
PKA 343 Conor McGregor vs Mayweather fight talk 00:01:20
PKA 343 Betting on the McGregor/Mayweather fight 00:20:50
PKA 343 Could the Hosts beat McGregor with a weapon? 00:27:00
PKA 343 GoT vs Rick & Morty vs McGregor fight: release dates 00:32:40
PKA 343 McGregor/Mayweather Press Conference & Mayweather’s wealth 00:34:55
PKA 343 Fighting for your freedom 00:42:20
PKA 343 Natural athleticism and natural talent 00:44:35
PKA 343 Woody got a new phone 00:46:25
PKA 343 MRSA, Barnacules’ scoliosis, bulimia & Obesity 00:47:25
PKA 343 Killing the 5 fattest people per State annually 01:01:55
PKA 343 Killing sharks with air-knives & air-embolisms 01:04:00
PKA 343 Hunting animals (Bears, doves and hunting ethics) 01:10:30
PKA 343 Video: Man spears bear (hunting talk continues) 01:29:25
PKA 343 Kyle wants to organise a hunting trip 01:54:50
PKA 343 Kyle has decided to postpone the Jackie prank call 01:55:55
PKA 343 Barnacules’ YouTube Career & financial savings 01:58:20
PKA 343 How Colin and Barnacules’ son are doing 02:08:40
PKA 343 Digging holes and starting fires as a kid 02:11:40
PKA 343 BB/Pellet Guns, Black-powder guns and 50 cals 02:19:40
PKA 343 The Dark Web, Napster and pirating 02:45:55
PKA 343 Online Gaming DRM/Piracy & old consoles 02:49:55
PKA 343 PUBG: Zombies Mode and Kyle’s experiences 02:54:30
PKA 343 DayZ: The hiking simulator & “kill or be killed” 03:01:50
PKA 343 Surviving a zombie apocalypse 03:04:30
PKA 343 Video: MSNBC on Trump JR’s Russian Lawyer scandal 03:06:45
PKA 343 Politics talk: Trump/Russia Collusion, impeachment & more 03:11:25
PKA 343 “Mad Dog” Mattis, fighting on the frontlines & World War 1 03:29:10
PKA 343 Legends of the Fall featuring Brad Pitt 03:37:20
PKA 343 Game of Thrones talk (S6 Spoilers and S7 Predictions) 03:40:15
PKA 343 Sean Connery’s accent and SNL impersonation 03:55:25
PKA 343 PKA Hats Ad (and signing merchandise) 03:56:50
PKA 343 UFC Talk: McGregor returning, Top-Stars & Ronda leaks 03:59:40
PKA 343 Barnacules pimps his YouTube 04:07:40
PKA 343 Woody calls it a Show 04:08:10
PKA 343 Man spears bear: 01:29:10