PKA 403

Episode Event Timestamp
PKA 403 Introducing Josh Wolf and his underwear practical joke on his son 00:01:05
PKA 403 How much cIit is too much? 00:20:01
PKA 403 Taking trips abroad to enjoy female services for cash 00:22:40
PKA 403 PKA's female genital preferences 00:25:44
PKA 403 The time Josh paid for an ugly woman with horrible genitals to pleasure his friend 00:27:37
PKA 403 PKA 402's drinking episode fiasco 00:38:55
PKA 403 Josh's "High life" weed show and interest in edibles 00:40:30
PKA 403 How Josh handles weed around his kids & the varying US State weed laws 00:46:54
PKA 403 Josh's war veteran son and how his experience in combat changed him 00:52:28
PKA 403 Whale Wars (TV show) talk and getting to know whale genitals 00:57:41
PKA 403 What are Josh's favourite crazy videos on the internet? 01:06:54
PKA 403 The worst thing about flying high, according to Josh 01:10:38
PKA 403 US tipping etiquette debate & the guys' experience with terrible waiters 01:11:20
PKA 403 The TSA is a useless, awful US Federal agency 01:22:45
PKA 403 Ad Reads: Stitch Fix & NBA 2K19 01:28:06
PKA 403 Kyle shouts out the PKA Scum Server and explains to Josh what the game's about 01:31:04
PKA 403 Josh’s gaming fun with Freddie Prinze JR & the "sandcastle theory" of gaming 01:32:14
PKA 403 15 year old Russian uses a chainsaw on his own head after losing in a game 01:37:08
PKA 403 Russian fight clubs & modern day Roman gladiator games 01:42:45
PKA 403 Josh pimps his latest special and "Controlled Chaos" show 01:47:20
PKA 403 Josh's experience with dating Chelsea Handler and her wonderful breasts 01:53:30
PKA 403 The guys thank Josh and he leaves the show 01:56:15
PKA 403 Chiz's elongated sickness and how the guys deal with being ill 01:56:34
PKA 403 Video: Ariana Grande inappropriately touched by Pastor at Aretha Franklin's funeral 01:59:10
PKA 403 Little people & Peter Dinklage's roles in Elf & The Avengers 02:06:45
PKA 403 Video: Florida mom dips son's head in toilet as punishment 02:12:57
PKA 403 Taking kids away from their parents and the problems with adoption/orphanages 02:14:24
PKA 403 Woody considered being a stripper in his youth & Demi Moore's role in "Strip Tease" 02:20:40
PKA 403 Kyle shares a Subreddit devoted to Celebrity genitals 02:27:25
PKA 403 Samsung is releasing a smartphone with a foldable screen 02:31:20
PKA 403 Elon Musk on the Joe Rogan Experience & Musk's recent controversies 02:35:12
PKA 403 First Man (movie) facing criticism for removing the US Flag from the moon landings 02:37:57
PKA 403 Kyle has recently learned that Christopher Columbus was a terrible human being 02:44:37
PKA 403 The national holidays suck, so PKA decides to edit the existing holidays 02:47:17
PKA 403 Nike comes under criticism for selecting Colin Kaepernick in advertising campaign 02:55:30
PKA 403 Politically charged boycotts on Social Medias are absurd 02:59:09
PKA 403 Ad Reads: Monster Hunter Generation Ultimate & YouTube Music 03:03:46
PKA 403 How Cowboy Cerrone almost drowned while deep sea diving 03:07:02
PKA 403 UFC talk: Cowboy Cerrone, weight cutting & McGregor vs Khabib 03:09:42
PKA 403 Betting on Trump vs Hillary and becoming wealthy in hindsight 03:17:33
PKA 403 Bill Burr needs a life tragedy to occur before his next Special 03:23:09
PKA 403 Louis CK returning to the spotlight and overcoming his recent scandal 03:26:02
PKA 403 Pee-wee Herman's scandal and pleasuring yourself in an adult theatre 03:27:54
PKA 403 Russian space station gets a hole in it, so a Cosmonaut plugs it with their thumb 03:32:03
PKA 403 Woody gets jump scared & finds out what happens if you're in space without a suit 03:36:07
PKA 403 The horror stories that came as a result of the Space Race 03:37:06
PKA 403 Video: Man continually passes out while on a rollercoaster 03:38:50
PKA 403 Woody's travel nausea and the guys' experiences of theme park rides 03:52:10
PKA 403 Eminem's new album & Video: Chris D'elia mocks Eminem's rapping style 03:52:10
PKA 403 Can Black Ops 4 save CoD? And the battle for the #2 Battle Royale is on 03:58:32
PKA 403 Scum talk: The game's upcoming features, learning curve & the PKA Server 04:00:41
PKA 403 Woody calls it a show 04:07:07