PKA 437

Episode Event Timestamp
PKA 437 it's a drinking episode! Woody has new shot glasses 00:00:37
PKA 437 Drink #1 and what are the guys drinking? 00:02:43
PKA 437 Game of Thrones talk: Season 8 Episode 3 review & discussion 00:06:41
PKA 437 Woody calls Drink #2 and Game of Thrones talk continues 00:20:35
PKA 437 Taylor calls Drink #3 and Game of Throne talk continues 00:34:07
PKA 437 How does GoT S8E3 compare to Lord of the Rings & other combat scenes? 00:37:55
PKA 437 Deliverance (movie) talk: The movie’s most horrific, non-consensual scenes 00:44:07
PKA 437 Tucker’s highschool friends and the tragic fates of their fathers 00:53:41
PKA 437 PKA’s Cool Guy of the Week: Secret Nurse happy ending miscreant 00:56:20
PKA 437 Tucker’s hair preferences & Kyle calls Drink #4 00:59:16
PKA 437 Taylor’s terrible trip to the dentist 01:01:22
PKA 437 Kyle’s highway booger eater & video: Ted Cruz eats a booger 01:04:05
PKA 437 Politics talk: Lindsey Graham’s feminine side and the 2020 Election 01:06:38
PKA 437 Ad reads: Turo & Lending Club 01:12:17
PKA 437 How drunk is Woody right now? Quite 01:16:21
PKA 437 Drink #5 and the guys debate Tucker's fast food tier list 01:19:27
PKA 437 Video: Wings makes his WWE debut entrance 01:34:44
PKA 437 Drink #6 and people who lie about their height 01:38:54
PKA 437 Fat people talk: Trump, Chris Christie and fat people urges 01:42:34
PKA 437 The time Taylor's brother ate not one, not two but three goldfish 01:47:27
PKA 437 PKA’s Cool Guy of the Week & Taylor's favourite adult site 01:50:25
PKA 437 Is the anti vaccination craze real or overblown media hype? 01:52:53
PKA 437 PKA’s divisive guests - Destiny, Asterios and Ice 01:55:12
PKA 437 Kyle and Woody call Drink #7 and Woody’s awful joke 01:57:35
PKA 437 Taylor makes a joke that gets a .25 pepperoni rating from Kyle 02:07:16
PKA 437 If the whole world knew the guys faces’, how would they go into hiding? 02:11:29
PKA 437 Tucker makes everyone else take Drink #8 02:13:18
PKA 437 Why bearded men are filthier than dogs & people who don't wash their rear 02:15:24
PKA 437 Tucker’s terrible teenage back-ne and STFU Matt! 02:19:25
PKA 437 Movie talk: Toy Story and Child’s Play identical posters & Sonic: The movie 02:21:10
PKA 437 Kyle’s hairy feet/dexterous fingers & Tucker triggers Drink #9 (plus drink talk) 02:26:52
PKA 437 Woody steps off camera, Kyle encourages the other two to troll him 02:33:30
PKA 437 Pizza talk: Topping preferences & best pizzas 02:36:38
PKA 437 Gaming talk: Tucker’s early thoughts on Borderlands 3 02:40:42
PKA 437 Woody orders Papa Johns, Tucker gets pizza delivered 02:47:43
PKA 437 PKA answers a “Am I a d-bag?” Reddit post 02:51:11
PKA 437 Drink #10 and Am I a douchebag talk continues 02:54:08
PKA 437 How drunk do the guys feel? And Woody’s paternal instincts 02:59:05
PKA 437 Tesla car catches politician acting wrong & Woody triggers Drink #11 03:02:12
PKA 437 Woody pranks the guys & Tucker’s extravagant streaming booth 03:07:37
PKA 437 Flushing ashes down the toilet and Woody’s reading incapabilities 03:10:16
PKA 437 Jackie gets upset at Woody for ordering pizza 03:12:36
PKA 437 PKA lists its Top 5 favourite kid touchers (yeah, they're THAT drunk) 03:15:43
PKA 437 Drink #12 and food talk (pizza and pie) 03:18:54
PKA 437 Taylor and Tucker’s adult life & Woody LOVES Tucker’s haircut 03:20:55
PKA 437 Taylor shuts down Rust talk and initiates Hockey talk instead! 03:24:26
PKA 437 Why Woody has been sporting glasses & Drink #13 03:34:47
PKA 437 Comedian Ian Cognito passes away minutes after joking about it 03:39:07
PKA 437 Video: PKA reacts to more videos of women getting ran over 03:41:44
PKA 437 PKA’s rebranding of RSK & how Office Space hits home to Woody & Taylor 03:44:02
PKA 437 Was 1930s Germany and its leader really as bad as people say? Yes 03:45:55
PKA 437 The guys compare drinks & Tucker laughs at Woody for being old 03:53:59
PKA 437 The alcohol is really hitting the guys, Tucker suggests Netflix remedies 03:56:55
PKA 437 Matthew Steven Woodworth the glasses-wearing podcaster 03:58:45
PKA 437 PKA falls into a drunk chaos that causes Tucker to leave 04:03:08
PKA 437 Taylor calls it a show 04:12:18