Episode Event Timestamp
PKA 226 Jay’s gun laws and shooting & gun talk 01:51:45
PKA 278 Wings is still banned from the Ford forums 04:32:37
PKA 290 Politics Talk: Trump Apologists, Libertarians 01:59:00
PKA 309 David Blaine on The Tonight Show 03:54:17
PKA 337 Religious billboards & having faith 03:41:55
PKA 361 Weapon physics in Hollywood (John Wick, The Dark Tower & TWD) 03:48:02
PKA 362 Scepticism around new technologies and currencies 02:03:14
PKA 461 Eldery fast food workers, Uber drivers and brief food talk 01:16:02
PKA 531 It’s Woody’s birthday tomorrow! What does he want as a gift? 02:11:45
PKA 562 Josh shouts out his upcoming tour dates & leaves the show 02:11:35